Monday 15 March 2010


Sometimes I want to write my blog using the infamous Manglish,
or also known as, Singlish.
But then, something in my mind,
in my body,
in my fingers,
in my bones, nerves, every thing that is inextricably linked,
prevent me from using it.
I know my english suck,
well, compared to primary six, I guess mine is better,
compared to form 4, I guess it's equivalent,
but compared to O-Level,
it's a far cry.
Everyone takes English 1119 in school,
Some has considered to take O-level,
and I did have that thought too,
although I know I'm not capable to get a 'pass' gred.
Holiday, to somebody else, is defined as few days fill with joys,
they enjoy what they do every single minute,
they moan on how fast the minute has passed,
and they sometimes irresponsibly blamed the clock for tickling too fast.
Various excuses can be made,
but none of them could change the fact
that the time is still tickling and
it's how you pace it that matters.
Night market aka Pasar Malam,
it's where we all go to buy cheap stuffs,
from foods to clothes, from shoes to electronic device,
most of them do not cost more than RM40.
But then, I don't really enjoy shopping in night market.
They are maimed people, sometimes ragamuffins,
sometimes, the paralysed and sometimes,
the unfortunate,
sitting on the street, begging for help.
Sometimes they managed to get some sympathy,
attract attention from people,
but sometimes, we try to ignore them
because we aren't capable of helping them.
But the word 'try' does not work every time.
By implementing 'try', many has succeeded,
but not me.
I never 'try' to ignore things I know I can't.
And it bothers me, a lot.
Scouts are special, and I don't know how to define them.
There are three scouts in my class,
and they are, somehow, easy for me to communicate with.
Is scout an organisation for socialising?
I don't know.
There are about 20 boys in my class,
and I feel comfortable to be around the scouts.
The others, good, but kind of geeky,
and some of them, too childish,
some of them, too quiet,
some of them, too hard for me to break the border between us.
Some of them, too noisy,
some of them, born to be hated.
And as I said, 4S3 is the class, so far, I feel uncomfortable to stay the most.
I still miss 3A5, and yes,
I know I'm getting annoying.
There are always secrets in our heart,
and one of my secrets is, I wish I can turn the clock back,
to the day where I began my year in 3A5.
Everyone has secrets.
Secrets make us special,
secrets give us hope,
secrets, sometimes, motivate us to our thriumph.
I have never stayed in 4S3.
If I have been given a chance to leave my class,
I would take it.
Every morning I go to 4S6 and stay there until the bell rings,
and every recess I go to 4S6 or 4S1, until the bell rings.
Then the fact that I keep avoiding to stay in my class
tells me,
the wall built between me and 4S3 has not become weaker,
but instead, growing bigger and stronger.
Can anyone tell me how to break it?

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