Saturday 24 November 2018

Little Updates

Three months I am now in Singapore. I haven't got much time to do proper updates, but I rather this blog doesn't die because I slack.

So a few updates worth mentioning:

1) It has been officially three months since I joined my company. I've got a confirmation letter pertaining to my employment.

2) I really like where I work now. The ambience, atmosphere and environment are awesome. Colleagues are cool. No office politics. Everybody really gets along very well, there are no gangs.

3) I had been incredibly busy. Been going home past 10pm daily for the last week.

4) I've got four projects with me now. The fifth entering. Luckily one of them is rather small.

5) There is little work-life balance. I've rather busy. But I've not much life either. No friends to hang out in Singapore. Not many anyway. I hope I can make new friends so that my life here is more interesting. I very seldom loathe weekends, but lack of friends and social life really make me despise weekends.

Will continue to update time to time.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

張智成 & 江美琪- 愛情

Seriously, no song beats anything as emotionally powerful as this.

Songs like this, are exactly the type I fall in love with.