Monday 29 March 2010

Wrong Info

Sunday was probably the hottest day experienced by many people around my taman. Electricity supply was cut and none of the electrical appliance was functioning for at least 3 hours.

TNB (Tak Nak Bekerja) gave us notices that informed us the electricity would be down on Saturday. When I went back home and realised the electricity was available, I was elated because I wouldn't need to be away from my computer. I shouldn't have been so happy, luck never stayed.

By the way, TNB were not supposed to distribute notices with wrong information.

While the supply was cut, me and my family went to shopping mall to kill the time before the electricity came back. First we went to Jusco and had lunch. Then we went back home after an hour and realised the electricity hadn't come back. So we went to Pacific again. xD

Pacific was very crowded, and the air-conditioner there was working so we stayed there for quite a long time. I bought a storybook, Sherlock Holmes. Only later I realised the book was published in India.

Here's an interesting thing: Ken Nord lives near my house (only 2 houses in between us, to be precise) had electricity supply on Sunday. It was so unfair! We are living in the same Taman and the distance between my house and his was not more than 30 steps, and yet he had electricity but I didn't. So unfair! Haiz.....considered myself bad luck la........

By the way, my english teacher rated my essay and I only got 30/50. I was shocked because it was the lowest mark I got since I came to secondary school. But my friend told me I got the highest mark in the class. So the problem is: My english is not good enough, or is my english teacher strict in marking? I think she is more strict compared to Nisha. Geez it bothers me.....

Thursday 25 March 2010


The weather is hot, nobody can deny that. Not for now. I went to school this morning, prepared to survive the somnolent morning which worsened by the tedious lesson conducted by our dearly BM teacher. Everyone knew he can't teach, he is only good in wasting time and delaying stuffs.

Then......the lessons went on. After recess, we had our biology lesson. Then something interesting, but yet annoying happened. The electricity supply was cut and the fans and lights went off. We were in a room which the air didn't circulate well, and the heat had us nearly killed if CSB didn't ask us to go back to our class.

Here's something interesting. When the electricity were down, Pn. Nen (4S2's bio teacher) came and talked to CSB. And god! CSB was standing on the stage but Pn. Nen was standing on the floor, but yet CSB was still shorter than her! We all laughed at the sharp contrast. I guess they knew what we were laughing about, maybe they just didn't bother to entertain us.

Then we went back to our class, which was much cooling compared to being in Biology lab. And so the electricity were down for about an hour. During BI's lesson, I told my friends that we should praythat the electricity would not be available for the few hours so that we could skip IT classes. Right after I mentioned that, the electricity came back. And now I regretted what I said....

By the way, brave yourself to face more heat for the next few weeks.

The weather is getting hotter. Our mood were unstable, it could be trigger any time. For instance, me. If you are trying to make me go berserk when I'm enduring the heat, you better have martial arts skills to protect yourself from my swinging.

Worse still, my mother got a letter that informed us the electricity will be cut on this Saturday from 10am to 3pm due to unavoidable reason. And I had nearly gone mental when I knew that.

Afternoon....IT. We all went into the lab and realised we couldn't log in using our password. Then problems arose and my teacher realised the server was not functioning. We spent minutes talking in the lab, trying to hack computers and typing nonsense and then our teacher came in and told us we could leave and we were so happy and we log out the computer and fled from the lab.

Do you know the sine rule above? This is one of the questions will be asked in the Maths and Science quiz during Maths and Science week. I'll be preparing at least 5 questions out of 25, and I can only give you one hint: learn the sine rule.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Best Joke

There were four Catholic men and a Catholic woman having coffee.

The first Catholic man tells his friends: "My son is a priest, when he walks into a room, everybody calls him Father."

The second Catholic man chirps: "My son is a Bishop. When he walks into a room, people call him Your Grace."

The third Catholic gent says: "My son is a Cardinal. When he enters a room, everyone says Your Eminence."

The fourth Catholic man then says: "My son is the Pope. When he walks into a room people call him Your Holiness."

Since the lone Catholic woman was sipping her coffee in silence, the four men give her a subtle, "Well....?"

She proudly replies: "I have a daughter, slim, tall, 38D breast, 24 inch waist and 34 inch hips. When she walks into a room people say, "Oh My God!"

Friday 19 March 2010


It's Friday, and it's the day PBSM is having anniversary.

I went to school quite early today. I met the four boys who were there on Wednesday. Unfortunately, today one more boy was present. And the boy is TZL, the annoying, irritating pain-in-the-neck person who is also a person everyone detest. If you know him, you would realise how maddening this person can be. And I hate him, A LOT!!

Okay. Morning was quite interesting. Boys were required to stay back to tie knots to hang the banners. I enjoyed it, a lot. It was SO, SO MUCH better than spending the entire morning dancing and singing and talking. I enjoyed it a lot, although I sweat.

Time seemed to pass fast. Banners were being hung, and knots were being tied. Then, KRS, KPW and Girl Guides were joining the party too. They hung their respective banners, preparing to go wild.

As I said, time crept fast. I didn't realise it was already 11.30am until I saw the watch. It was our lunch time. We got our own lunch, and wolf it down. You know why we wolf them down? Here one reason: The food was awful and we ate all of them to end the suffering as soon as possible. We paid RM3 for our lunch, and guess what we got--One packet of rice with some bean sprout and two nuggets. RM3!!! I rather spend that money on instant noodles.

Then, afternoon, the ceremony began.

The ceremony began with speeches, which I doubt anyone bother to listen. Then, ITEM began (I had forgotten who performed first). Then, round dance. And so on....bla

I had to say, I didn't enjoy it much. I saw the difference between KRS, KPW and PBSM. The reason why KRS and KPW played happily was because their friendship was strongly bonded. Boys to boys, girls to girls. And PBSM, too few boys. And the dances......I hated it.

I never enjoyed singing or dancing, therefore I didn't enjoy myself.

The KRS, beaming happily to the camera after receiving the "best overall champion" award.

Due to the heat, and the vigorious activites, added by the tightly tied banners, the air inside the canteen was strongly humid and the smell of sweat was suspended and circulating in the air. It burnt my nostrils, but yet, everyone enjoyed it much.

Then..........time seemed to move slowly, and then, activity ended.

We got some silly things for momento. And then we went back home. After I reached home, I was deadly beat. But thinking of what we had done this afternoon.....I regretted I joined PBSM. And the reason is: No boys.

PBSM is good in having girly activites. You want prove? Initially there were more than 25 boys in my year, and now it had shrunk to 5. Need more prove? Initially there were more than 20 boys in the form 5 group, now it had decreased to 1, who is the incumbent president. Initially there were more than 20 boys in form 3 group, it had now shortened to 3, and none of them is interested to take a role in PBSM after the AGM.

Need more? Figure out yourself.


Wednesday 17 March 2010


It's Wednesday, and it's the day I had wasted a lot of time.

Okay. It all began from 6.45am. I woke up and as always, dazed, ate my breakfast without really enjoying it, brushed my teeth without realising whether toothpaste were used, took a bath without knowing whether soap were used. Then, went to school to join the activity.

And because it was only a preparation, which meant nothing official or serious, we were bored. By 'we' I meant everybody.

We were asked to paint the "banner", which I found it extremely disturbing because whoever drew it didn't have a flair for arts.

Then, spending about 45 mins "colouring" the banner, we had nothing else to do. It was around 8.15am, and we had to stay until 5.30pm. But then, as I said, we had nothing to do. So time seemed to be creeping way too slowly and we felt tired and sleepy. Then, in lieu of wasting time by watching the clock tickling, TYH and I wandered around the school.

And it was the very first time I had gone through the entire school within 15 mins. I went to every part of the school, except the basketball courts (where the scouts were training) and the field (where the JSPO and KPL were training).
And our leg sore for excessive walking........
Time dragged on. We managed to scavenge few sudokus. But yet, time still dragged on. And the worst thing was, we were famished. We waited for hours to have our lunch. And guess what? Lunch provided was nothing. It couldn't even fill 1/3 of my stomach.
Everyone was complaining about the price. Apparently the price was too high for a packet of rice with a little bit of vegetables and one "sausage"? It was the most expensive lunch I ever had.
After lunch, we were seriously bored. We had watched the girls training ITEM for hours. And I had to say, they can't dance. But yet they were so thick-skinned and they bent upon dancing. My eyes pain. Ouch!!
Seriously bored, or deadly bored, or 'corpsely' bored, or whatever term you think best describe us, we asked for permission to leave earlier. They said 'ok' and we fled, free from boredom and the group of girls.
But we hadn't gone back home. We went to a restaurant to fill the spaces in our stomach. And the price was so much cheaper and our stomach was so much more filled.
Then, officially, we went back home. Pity that boy who couldn't go home due to transport problem.
PS: Due to technical problem, I have to type full-stops to seperate the paragraphs.

Monday 15 March 2010


Sometimes I want to write my blog using the infamous Manglish,
or also known as, Singlish.
But then, something in my mind,
in my body,
in my fingers,
in my bones, nerves, every thing that is inextricably linked,
prevent me from using it.
I know my english suck,
well, compared to primary six, I guess mine is better,
compared to form 4, I guess it's equivalent,
but compared to O-Level,
it's a far cry.
Everyone takes English 1119 in school,
Some has considered to take O-level,
and I did have that thought too,
although I know I'm not capable to get a 'pass' gred.
Holiday, to somebody else, is defined as few days fill with joys,
they enjoy what they do every single minute,
they moan on how fast the minute has passed,
and they sometimes irresponsibly blamed the clock for tickling too fast.
Various excuses can be made,
but none of them could change the fact
that the time is still tickling and
it's how you pace it that matters.
Night market aka Pasar Malam,
it's where we all go to buy cheap stuffs,
from foods to clothes, from shoes to electronic device,
most of them do not cost more than RM40.
But then, I don't really enjoy shopping in night market.
They are maimed people, sometimes ragamuffins,
sometimes, the paralysed and sometimes,
the unfortunate,
sitting on the street, begging for help.
Sometimes they managed to get some sympathy,
attract attention from people,
but sometimes, we try to ignore them
because we aren't capable of helping them.
But the word 'try' does not work every time.
By implementing 'try', many has succeeded,
but not me.
I never 'try' to ignore things I know I can't.
And it bothers me, a lot.
Scouts are special, and I don't know how to define them.
There are three scouts in my class,
and they are, somehow, easy for me to communicate with.
Is scout an organisation for socialising?
I don't know.
There are about 20 boys in my class,
and I feel comfortable to be around the scouts.
The others, good, but kind of geeky,
and some of them, too childish,
some of them, too quiet,
some of them, too hard for me to break the border between us.
Some of them, too noisy,
some of them, born to be hated.
And as I said, 4S3 is the class, so far, I feel uncomfortable to stay the most.
I still miss 3A5, and yes,
I know I'm getting annoying.
There are always secrets in our heart,
and one of my secrets is, I wish I can turn the clock back,
to the day where I began my year in 3A5.
Everyone has secrets.
Secrets make us special,
secrets give us hope,
secrets, sometimes, motivate us to our thriumph.
I have never stayed in 4S3.
If I have been given a chance to leave my class,
I would take it.
Every morning I go to 4S6 and stay there until the bell rings,
and every recess I go to 4S6 or 4S1, until the bell rings.
Then the fact that I keep avoiding to stay in my class
tells me,
the wall built between me and 4S3 has not become weaker,
but instead, growing bigger and stronger.
Can anyone tell me how to break it?

Friday 12 March 2010


Triple yes! Exam is over!!

I'm now going into overdrive, I'm have never been so hysterical before. This is probably because the stress that burdened me yesterday had vanished.

Here's a question I created:

1. Explain "Biology+Sejarah=Fail!" (3 marks)

Explanation: When Biology test and Sejarah test are arranged on the same day, students get panic and nervous. When students get panic and nervous, their nerve cells do not function optimally. Hence, they could not memorise facts easily. When facts could not be memorised easily, many points are left out by students. Therefore, students cannot score great marks in the exams.

Proudly to say, I got 3 marks. ^_^

OK. Here's what I do today:

Morning we had the routine. Then, all the AJK of Maths and Science Week were requested to meet NLL and HSF. I finally got to know who HSF was, and I had to say, she was kind of weird. She was the type of people who enjoy frolicking and she tend to speak the wrong thing.

We had our discussion, and it wasn't right for me to post the discussion here. It was meant to be a secret.

Don't worry. No hush-hush.

But I was requested to write the speech. tt......they should shoulder that responsibility, but instead they chose me to write it. I obliged but had no idea how to write it.

After the meeting we were supposed to go back to our respective classes, but then we found a very, very good and smart idea to play truant. We helped PKI to transport the school magazines from the lorry to the staff room. So our meeting began with sitting and ended with sweating. But yet, we enjoyed it.

I got the results for two subjects. I'll post my result right after I have all.

Afternoon: House Practice. Due to the heat and blazing hot sun, the house practice had been delayed to 5.00pm. But, nothing was conducted and we lazed around talking to friends while watching students Judo-ing and hoping that the rain would last longer.

Then finally, the activity ended around 6.20pm and the throng began to disperse.

I went back home, bathed, and had my dinner.

Whatever that I was doing after that were not worth to be shared. So....I stopped writing now. Bye.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Class Test 1 (D)

And double yes! Today is the last day I'm having class test.

First paper for the day: Biology. The paper started on 9.30am, which meant we had 2 hours for us to prepare for the paper. But then, most of us were so bored, so tired, and so occupied and we didn't feel like reading anymore. Everyone was holding a book, but to count the number who actually read it...........

The somnolent morning exacerbated everything and many people began to snore....

Then we finished our biology paper. Despite the whoops, many of us realised we had made mistakes that we didn't expect.....But nobody cared anymore, because we had SEJARAH later!!!

My mind was occupied and choked with biology facts. When I had the sejarah textbook in my hands, my head pained. I hated to read anything that needed memorisation. So, I surrendered and stopped studying.

The paper was ok, but I had no idea how many mistakes I had done.

Few things in my mind:
1. 11 people in 4S1 failed their chinese. Sorry. But be cheerful, because I only got 44.....

2. Ms. Rag (the one who set the eng. paper), the word "newer" does exist. I have been using the word for umpteen years, I have seen this words for uncountable times. And here is a prove to support me: . If this doesn't convince you, you can type the word "newer" and google in. You can count how many times this word has been used. Do not argue with me about this, because I know I'm right.

Gotta go........I'm going to take a siesta. ^^

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Class Test 1 (C)

And yes again! I have confirmed to have failed another subject!!

My It was actually a race against time, the questions weren't difficult, but the time restricted most of us from finishing it. And although we had finished them, we would have done a lot of mistakes. Me for instance, I finished all the questions 5 minutes before the time ended, but I forgot to draw the thermometer in the 'labeled diagram', which meant that the entire diagram I drew would be nothing but a trash and a waste of time.

The school was in total chaos after the test. The sophisticated and famous TPS set the paper, now she became notorious for causing large number of fails in our form..............

Sorry JJ, I couldn't make this post as interesting as I said earlier, I'm quite tired now.

Malay was quite easy, but yet I did a mistake, 4 marks gone now. More to be discovered.

Tomorrow: Biology and Sejarah. Let's pray that we wouldn't fail!

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Class Test 1 (B)

And yes! I have confirmed to have failed my chinese!!

For my chinese, I got only 22 marks out of 50. 11 for 概述 and 11 for 现代文理解, total 11+11=22, 22x2=44!
I'm not nonplussed though, I have expected this result. As I said, I have got ready before PMR....

By the way, I only know the results of 4 students, and guess what, I got 44, one of them got 40, another one got 50 and the lucky boy got 60!! I guess the ratio of failed and passed is severely lopsided.

Anyway. I have english for today. I did a very, very careless and stupid mistake. So far I got 4 mistakes. More to be discovered later.

Moral is ok. But I wouldn't say I got all the correct answer, and I'm afraid I might not pass too.

Add.Maths, the most easiest paper for the past 5 years. So far I have not done any mistakes.

Well, I guess I waltz through the exams today, I hope I can do this tomorrow and thursday.........

Monday 8 March 2010

Class Test 1 (A)

Yes! Congratulates me because I have failed my chinese!!

When I got the test paper, I was baffled and paralysed momentarily. The 概述 is killing my brain cells......But anyway, I have got prepared before PMR!! So, it's fine if I fail, at least I tried my best.

Modern Maths is quite simple. But I had done a very careless mistake. 6 marks gone for now, probably more. To be discovered later.

Physics. Oh my god physics. I analysed the ticker-timer wrongly. I had the initial velocity and final velocity wrongly. 2+1+1=4, 4x4=16. 100-16=84!! WTF!!!!

God I hate exams!!


My friends have been pressuring me to tell them my blog link (although I have no idea how they know I have a blog). So I'm thinking that I should give them my chinese blog link and locked this blog for invited readers only. Any advice?

Sunday 7 March 2010


EXAMS---the nightmare of every students all around the world. Tomorrow I will have my first class test, and I'm about to sit for BC, Modern Maths and Physics tomorrow.

We are all supposed to be sanguine. I'm prepared for tomorrow. I'm prepared to fail. Since my results hang on the teachers, I'm hoping that teachers will give sympathy and most importantly, they must be happy while marking the exams paper. If they are having mood swings or their hormones go uncontrolled or just put it simply, if they are temperamental, we are all toast. current situation hints that I'll be in hot water. So......any advice? Should I just drink cold water to neutralise it? Hahaha~~

PS: I'm not under pressure. (^_^)

Saturday 6 March 2010


I went to activity this morning. I arrived there quite early.

Then we had our meeting......and so on......and the first activity for today: Photoshooting.....

As most of you guys have known, I hate to be photographed. And what annoyed me (us) was, there spent 1 hour for photoshooting. We waited for them to "carefully" arrange us and waited for the camera to be clicked. And guess what? they spent 20 minutes (at least) to snap a photo. Just imagine how much time have been wasted!! Stupid!!

And I want to say this: boys in PBSM is getting fewer, and sooner or later, PBSM will be opened for girls only. You want to know why?

The activities they have in normal meeting are principally for girls, and way too girly! And you expect boys to attend meetings when you have activities that are so girly that even girls feel awful????? STUPID!!

I shouldn't have joined PBSM!!!!

I guess I got carried away......enough about disparagement.....

We had a briefing about Anniversary that will be held on 19 March. TYH is coming, and so I guess I am. But I have not given them a confirmed answer.

Then we had marching, around 10.50am.........

They wanted to select people for the marching parade, all and sundry were involved. But then, they had us shortlisted and I guess I had to join the marching team

I had not got a confirmed answer, but I don't want to join the marching team for the parade. So I'm now hoping they will not choose me. Choose someone else to take part, please!

After I went back home, I realised I was seriously tanned and my skin looked a wee bit red. It didn't look like sunburn, because I felt no pain. I just hope it will fade.

Friday 5 March 2010


Question 1: Why is Physics so difficult to fathom?
I have been revising Physics for the pass few days, and so far I could only understand how to read the micrometre screw gauge and vernier caliper. Know a little about prefixes, although I haven't memorised all of them. Know how to get C, although I don't really know the concept of y=mX+C. Know how to get the average reading, although don't really know how to read the ticker-timer...But, I am ready to fail my Physics.

Question 2: How bad is SHE in teaching Physics?
All of her students are lamenting, or someone else cursing her for her incompetence in teaching. I guess she does suck in teaching. I'm lucky my Physics teacher is GCL, she is quite pro.

Question 3: Why is the weather so hot?
All of us were standing there, listening to the speeches talked by the principal while bantering happily. As most of us know, the weather is burning recently. Most of us were sweating and we hated to bear that.

Question 4: Mr. Tor, can you define what is "short"?
The term "short" in your dictionary is undefined?? I guess so, your "short" speech is about 10 minutes long.

Question 5: 4S6, do you know the term "hak cipta terpelihara"?
I typed out all the 55 peribahasa and gave it to someone else. And somehow the entire class has it. It's fine if you want to photocopy my notes. But, if error occurs, don't blame me, the notes are not supposed to be given to you guys. And by the way, "hak cipta" is violated.

Question 6: School, can you be more systematic?
I have house practice this evening, therefore after school, I stayed back so that I could hide in the library to do Physics and Maths exercises. But then immediately after I grabbed one book, I was asked to place it back to where I got it because the teachers needed to tie all of the books. Library is undergoing renovation for the next few days. So guys, don't waste your time by intending to stay in the library. I have just wasted mine today. And because I couldn't get any reference book, I had to plough through my biology notes again..........

Question 7: Miss BHK, can you shut your mouth up?
FOR GOD SAKE you are the library teacher!! You are supposed to make sure no noises are produced in the library, not MAKING THEM!! I have endured your exasperating voices for the entire afternoon, and I'm not going to go through that again. Do you know your annoying sound is the only sound I heard in the library that is annoying for 2 hours? I'm fine with whispers, but not yelling or shouting or whatever sound you make. I have no idea how 4S1 and 4S6 students endured her, she is so annoying! Ya and that's is how this teacher becomes notorious.

Question 8: WHY IS MY BLOG SO BORING?????
My blog is so boring without pictures. I feel bored looking at my own blog. God I need to make it interesting.......someone please teach me how!

Thursday 4 March 2010


Today pity 4S2,
after recess don't want to change t-shirt,
then all kena caught and send to discipline room.
I was told that 1 student was given dimerit points,
and 30 students were caught.
Pity lol.
Aiya like this next month I have to change already.....
School change the time table again lol,
i just memorised them, now need 2 re-memorise again,
ki si la this school.
This morning in school.....waste time la.
Raymond, Yee Chong, Shik Ming and Zi Jian go perbahasan,
class so quiet tiok.......
feel like......weird
Malay teacher is really a slacker,
very friendly, superbly friendly, homework friendly, teaching friendly..........
OSM set the first class test's paper,
I tiok che kia........
Many of my teachers set papers....
including Physics and Chemistry.......
This Derrick.....
I saw him 3 times in school,
I waved to him three times,
and he never waved back..........
dunno he saw or not
4S1 and 4S4 so siok,
change sejarah teacher.
My sejarah teacher go sembayang la,
go back to India la,
don't teach us Sejarah anymore.
I hate you!
Went to IT class......tiok che kia,
the test paper give instruction already,
all we need to do is.....follow lo
follow what it say then do it..
like this also can.....
Is it just me?
Or someone else also feel no pressure about the test?
Just another boring day.........

Monday 1 March 2010

Spot Check

It's the first of March, I realised how fast time had passed. It is now the third month of 2010 already, and shamefully, I have to admit, I still miss 3A5. The nostalgia had not yet faded.

This morning the entire school was in chaos, because the discipline teachers had spot checks. I was too afraid because I brought liquid paper to school. But nonetheless, I learnt that the teachers had no interest in whatever stuff we brought, they were just checking our hairs.At first we were having PJK, but because LCK was spot-checking, so we didn't have our lesson. But most of us decided to play truant. How naive were us to think that we could avoid spot check.......
Of course, we still went back to the class. Then one by one, we were asked to step forward to the teacher and let her 'scrutinise' our hair. Like a police traffic, she controlled our movement in the class. Trying to do something suspicious, they 'cuffed' you and....well......most of us knew what would happen next.......

It was very lucky that my classroom's cupboard wasn't chained this morning, or else I couldn't imagine what trouble would befall us. I hate to admit.......the discipline teachers were way too spontaneous. They caught us off guard, and impressively, their spontaneous actions had flooded the school with students' tears, mostly girls though.

I passed the teacher 'eagle-eye observation', but two of my friends (boy) weren't lucky. Girls were the worst, I had lost count on how many became the prey.............