Monday 16 November 2009

End of 3A5

The last day of me spending my school life in 3A5. Next year I'll be in form 4 classes, most probably science. This is one debatable question I don't want to dwell on.

Not many students were present in school. Only a few: Girls were Li Yan, Jia Xin, Cho Sing, Zhen Nie. Boys were Kai Zhe, me, Yong Jie, Kok Chew, Tze Wei. Derrick was there in school, but disappear right upon 7.30am and reappear upon 1.19pm precisely, to get his things packed to go home. He spent less than 5 minutes in 3A5. Chin Seng who said he wouldn't attend, went back his words and for whatever reason that was lying behind, he came, to my surprise. Wee Chin was in school, but went to activity and only joined us back around noon. Lawrence kept Derrick company and went to join his scout buddies. Soo Yong went astray while in school, I couldn't locate him anywhere. Adwin came out from nowhere and was there, sitting in the class bantering with Kai Zhe. Zheng Xuen and Say Kit were undetectable. Urr.....I don't care about them anymore.

3A2 was having a huge party which in my opinion is a complete waste of time and money. The bought many foods and have a jamuan. I didn't dare to enter that class. It felt crap. We are not graduating. We just had our last day as a form 3 student. Did they have to be so dramatic and throw a party?

Friends were snapping pictures. I felt jealous. I don't have a handphone. But weirdly though, I don't think I need a handphone. But I felt jealous. Bizarre huh?

Nothing to talk about, we're not graduating. Just a six weeks holiday bordered us from meeting. I'll meet all of you after the holiday, will I?

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