Saturday 1 May 2010

Science and Maths Week, Day 2 and 3

Day 2-Wednesday. I chose to duty from 10.50am-2.00pm because I couldn't afford to lose Chemistry lesson, although I detest that teacher. After Chemistry I was light-headed by the jargons I had not been able to decipher yet. Then Modern Maths and Add. Maths. NLL wasn't going to teach at all because sha was one of the judge for Rocket Balloon Competition. After that it was 10.10am and it was my Malay lesson. I despise MSegara's lesson so again, I left the class and started my duty (together with LCW).

Then 10.50pm and the classes that were scheduled to enter the class were 4S1-4S7. Most of my friends saw me dutying and they came to play sudoku. None of them broke the highest record. Around 1.45pm we left and ate because we had to be prepared for Maths and Science Quiz that was held in the afternoon. We went to every nook and corner to look for NLL just to get the key to DK, and I was tired after that.

Maths Society members were invigilating the students in DK1 which Science Society members were in DK2. Students in DK2 were more disciplined, which really lightened their duty.

After the quiz, we were required to mark the papers and hand in the marks. Before we finished marking, we had AGM.

Our incumbent president: LCW of 4S3 and our vice president: OQJ of 4S1.
(Sentences removed due to inflammatory content.)

I was chosen to be the treasurer of the society. I didn't really like that because I wished to be the secretary. I liked to be busy, it made me feel occupied, but I'm not capable of being the president...haha. But I took on the mantle of being the treasurer nonetheless, at least I had something to do.

The result of the quiz was unexpected. The winner from the lower secondary was a form 2 student while the winner from the upper secondary was a form 4 student. But if we were talking about the overall champion, it would be a form 2 student. She (a she!) scored 27/50, the highest mark recorded in all forms.

After that I went back home and I felt listless. So I kip and woke up to have dinner and I took all of them as I was famished.
Nothing much happened on the third day. We just spent the whole morning lazing around, and then around 2.30pm we officially ended our duty.
SM week was interesting. I loved it. How could I use words to describe how much had I learnt during SM week?

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