Tuesday 25 May 2010

Mid Year Exam, Day 2

Who was nervous? I was not. I didn't know why, I always act this way.

First paper of the day: the deemed useless subject IT. All we needed to get was a mere 10 marks in order to get a pass as most of us had got the other 50 marks from the practical test.

The test paper was an hour's long. 20 minutes after the paper started, most of them began to drift off. Everyone around me was sleeping and I felt incongruous to be awake (my mentality is weird....), so I tried to sleep but I never really slept.

After the paper ended, none of us bothered to talk about the paper, as it wasn't even a subject we are taking in SPM.

So all of us were studying hard for the Physics paper, which set to be on 11.00am to 1.30pm. 2 hours and 30 minutes for us to answer 20 objectives questions and 5 subjective questions. Imagine how difficult could the questions be.

But none of us really paid attention to study. I was talking to ZJ, KW and Raymond about Ninja Saga. The game is now famous among Scouts, and I was 'tricked' to play the game. With a target, I'm sure I'll play well. Anyway the topic sprang up and so we discussed about it for few minutes.

Next paper on the day: Physics. I thought the paper was easy. I was looking through the objective questions and I was sure I wouldn't stumble upon any difficulties, until I was numbed by the paralytic term in the paper. Especially the ....errm....I forgot the term......in Physics and I lost 20 marks there. 20 marks!!

I hate HSF!!

And I regretted I didn't read GCL's notes. Another...about 8 marks gone.

Arr....I'm sure to have failed my Physics.....Sad..

Stay tuned to view my third post about Mid Year. By the way, the second part of "Grandma" will be posted later.

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