Sunday 27 February 2011

The Star

try and guess which one is me.

Ya I know this is quite an old news but I'm still writing it anyway.

My class was randomly selected to assist in The Star promotion (as in page N16 on February 21, 2011). The entire class went delirious with joy, pumping by the urge to appear in the newspaper, and eagerly asked to assist, and it made the teacher's job so much easier.

25 students were selected, but if you include the interlopers, the number exceeded 25. 25+ of us were then divided into two groups, with one appeared to be the principal group and the latter one just a small, unimportant group. I'm in the second group.

The first group was the one which appeared in the newspaper. You think they looked genuinely reading the newspaper right? You're right. The paper which were given to us had only one page printed, the other page was blank. So we were basically reading nothing and were just posing various laughs that were fake. So the picture of us reading was actually bogus and deceiving.

But, what the heck, who cares? Do you bother what are the pictures about? The article is by far more capturing.

Anyway, the second group, which the one I'm in, was brought to another location for photographing session. I found it to be a little bit ignominious because we were doing it publicly, many were staring from us, from the corridors to the chemistry lab on the fourth floor.

But then we went back to bilik persidangan for interviews. They asked different questions to different people. All members of the subgroup were given some random questions (which, I think the questions came out impromptu) and I answered all of them. I knew my answers were feeble.

When he threw me the questions I was momentarily stunned and I stayed pensive, trying to formulate some answers for the questions. Some of my answers were spurious and some points were superfluous and some redundant. But I didn't care much.

And that's why my interview was not published!


  1. The one with the nice crew-cut in the forefront with a girl - pretending to read?????
