Wednesday 3 February 2010


Lack of time to post pictures. Sorry guys.

It's Wednesday and it's maths day. Every single thing I'm doing today is mathematics-related.

Many Additional Mathematics questions are given to us and we are given a few days to finish them. Calculating the answer is actually the indirect way of saying twisting your mind into brain juice.

Add.Maths is burdening enough. Everybody hates Add.Maths. Some love it too, like me. The cruel kindness of add.maths have somehow make us confuse about our feelings towards it. We have no idea we are loving it or hating it.

We are frustrated when we couldn't get the answer, that means we hate it.

We wouldn't give up if we can't calculate the answer. It means we are also interested in finding the answer.

And once we got our answer, we triumphed.

Modern Maths is not that simple. It's simpler compared to Add.Maths, but I find out the equations in Modern Maths seem to be longer and thus, mistakes can be done easily.

Having Olympiad Mathematics afternoon. It's only school level. Of more than 100 people they only decided to choose about 10, maybe less, maybe more. I don't know.

We are given 9 questions to solve in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Imagine how tough can the questions be?

Nonetheless, I get one answer correctly. Only one. And if I'm selected to represent the school.....everyone in school can get As for Add.Maths in their coming class test.

Sitting for the Olympiad Maths means skipping Mathematics society meeting. I am told that we will receive our surat wakil, but we haven't got it yet.

At night, I am fighting with the Add.Maths exercises that are killing me. Of 12, 9 down. 3 more questions to go...oh no, wait! Application!! That makes my list longer.

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