CONSIDERED YOURSELF WARNED! I'M ABOUT TO START DWELLING ABOUT MY PAST, WHICH CAN BE ANNOYING TO SOME PEOPLE.I'm always nostalgic when I remembered what happened last year, but i shouldn't prevent me from preserving the memories. I missed last year so much.
The day I stepped into 3A5, I realised I had lost the treasured seat. I was forced to sit at the back of the classroom. I had been worried about my year in 3A5, because there were 27 boys and 17 girls. Where boys were around, trouble lurked, even though I knew I would be one of them, sooner or later. It was our first year being in the morning session. Everything was unfamiliar. Everyone was lining up to go to the field to listen to the speech. Imagine how naive we were last year, we actually lined up......The teachers were strangers. When my class teacher entered my class, I was quite nervous because I was afraid I had met another volatile teacher. But obviously she wasn't, she was, in fact, friendly and lovable.
What my class teacher (OSH) said last year had imprinted on my mind:
Di mana ada banyak lelaki, banyak masalah, and another famous quote, which I still remembered and used it to memorise moral:
Kalau awak fikir yang bukan-bukan, awak akan cakap yang bukan-bukan dan awak akan buat yang bukan-bukan. I actually used this quote to memorise the definition of "Kesedarhanaan" in Moral.
Then, the "AGM" started and Jacky Lam was nominated as the class monitor, and as expected, he won. Vi Vian became his assistant and Derrick became the treasurer of the class. Li Yan won the place as the cleaning Queen, she was in charge of the cleanliness in the class. Then one by one, our teachers entered our class. I remembered Teow CS told us to get ourselves used to morning session, and she told us she can't speak Chinese, but she understood a little. Then KLP entered and our first impression about her had never changed since. OSM entered and we felt she taught Maths too fastly. We went to the science lab and met KTS and then we just thought we just stumbled upon another psychotic teacher, but of course every of his students would disagree. Anath entered and we loved this teacher, then CBC entered and we felt happy because we knew Mages's voice was way too loud to bear.
Thinking about the teachers, I missed them, except OSM because she is still teaching my this year. I still miss the others, and weirdly I kind of miss KLP.
Then I began to assimilate into the groups in my class. SSK and LZJ had kind of terrified me because I knew their attitude sucked. But yet, if talking about friendship, they weren't that bad. Later, one of my classmates broke her ankle. Our class was required to change with 3B6 for her convenience. But then she insisted she could walk and we went back to our 'home'. Then, not long after her injury, one of my friends fractured his arm. He was playing basketball and somehow he had his arm injured. He was then hospitalised and monitored and then released from the hospital after days. His condition wasn't bad, but yet the injury left a mark on his arm.
As what Ken Nord said, our class never had a day without absence of students. It was true, for the beginning of the year. I remembered my first class test: we all failed BI. 33 out of 44 in my class failed BI, and my teacher didn't seem to care. Then I remembered we used to paint the class together. It was Sunday as we went back to our class to colour the walls with green colour, much to my annoyance because I thought it wasn't the perfect choice. At first we painted it slowly because we weren't used to painting, and that day was the very first time I went into the girls' room. Then, our lunch--Pizza. We ordered pizzas via phone and brought it into the class and ate them. I loved that moment.
The second them wasn't that exciting because we had to paint the class after co-curricular activities. We were quite tired and we had to wait for the paint to be delivered to us, and Vi Vian was working so slowly and she gave it to us upon 3.00pm, and we had to paint the class rushly.
Nothing much happened in the middle of the year then.
KSK, the prefect was infected with chicken pox. He was absent for only a week. I remembered the last time I got it, it took me two weeks to recover. Either he did have a strong immume system or he took some medication. GCH demand was getting stronger, she kept asking me to change seat with her, although the teacher didn't allow that. Then we had a speech about microorganism and mud (I couldn't remember what that was), we played with that mud and rolled it into a ball with enzymes and played for practically an hour.
Then, at the end of July, one of my classmates banged his head and was hospitalised. He was due to release on Tuesday, but then someone said the doctor found some complication and he was asked to stay until everything had proven to be normal. He pulled through and came back on Thursday and became the centre of attraction in my class. I didn't know how the news spread but apparently the teachers knew too. I remembered it was the end of July because I remembered seeing him running during the marathon even though he just recovered.
Speaking about the marathon....We were beginning to run, when the rain poured down mercilessly and wet all of us. We were just at the beginning point but we had to finish the run, and I remembered the rain pouring down and covered my spectacles with water drops and wetting my shirt and causing my shirt to be heavy. We still finish the run, and I laughed when I read the article in the school magazine that eulogised us because we finished the run even though it rained. Actually we had no choice. Girls were lucky, they didn't need to complete the run. Anyway, lucky draw contests began later and I felt that l shouldn't wait for the entire morning to wait for the teacher to announce the number holding in my hand and stepped out to receive the prize which I knew I wouldn't enjoy much. So I didn't take the number and stand aside to watch.
Then Choong WC suspected himself to have been infected with H1N1 and he wore mask to school. He coughed loudly but that didn't scare us from being around him. Beh HS was also showing flu-like symptoms but of course, none of them had been tested positive for H1N1. Percubaan PMR was certainly not easy. We had our exams in the hall and we hated it. The exam went swimmingly for some people, but not me. But then, I didn't know why, after the percubaan I just didn't feel like studying anymore. So I just stopped studying and kept doing exercises. And I got 8As in PMR without reading any reference books days before PMR. It shocked me, a lot!
Before PMR every students were required to have the anti-tetanus shot. After the medicine (tetanus to be precise) was administered we felt our arm sore and weak. Some went back home and had fever but I had none and came to school the next day.
After PMR was the day everyone was enjoying, but unavoidably some of us had said that after PMR, although the school had allowed us to play, we felt bored because the games we could bring to school were restricted. It was fine for the first week, but after that, the days were creeping slowly and some of us had cut class for the rest of the days.
Then, the last day on the school. Many were absent but I still went to school. I can't write more, it would get boring.
In the nutshell, I love 3A5 and I wish to study in that class again. Annoyed? I have warned you!