Thursday 21 October 2010

School Life is Boring

I was sleeping in class this morning. After the final year exam nobody bothers to study and no teacher bothers to teach us. Well....actually some teachers do, but how many? Ok, my biology teacher does, she is a hardworking teacher or else tell me how could she be the panitia? TPS does too, but does she have any choices? She is the so-called pro in the school and she has published numerous books that have hit the market with good reception. Unless she decides to have her reputation goes to oblivion or else she is going to teach. GCL has finished the Physics syllabus. Even if she wants to continue teaching it would be a tall order. What else can she teach? Nuclear bombing? MAG does too. can say he is being lackadaisical. He finishes a chapter of sejarah in two lessons. It normally takes two weeks to do so, but he does it in 2 lessons. He's on speed!! MTAM teacher is trying hard to finish the syllabus, but as everyone knows, it will be impossible because we have been behind for 2 months. And even if we have the 2 months back it would be hard for her to finish teaching.
The others? Nothing. There's why today is so boring.
7.15am. I was sitting in my class with my eyes fixed at two groups of people. As I mentioned earlier, my class is highly polarised. I watched them gesticulating, I listened them bantering, and I glanced at my watch waiting. Finally, at 7.30am, it was confirmed 17/44 people were absent.

Irrelevent picture.

It wasn't the highest record. It was - in fact - the second highest record, which was, or wasn't (I chose the formal one) something 4S3 should be proud at. NPL was flabbergasted too. Could you blame her? 17/44 people, imagine how many zeroes she had to draw on the attendance book.

What did we do? Simple, we did nothing. Sivik teacher wasn't in school, and we just walked around in the class, bantering with each others, tattling about the latest gossip, discussing the latest video. BI? Nothing again. SEJ? Yeah he finished the chapter in 25 minutes. I have lost count how many points he skipped. He was more desperate than us to finish the syllabus.

PHY? Well, we (by we I mean me, TZR, TWX, CMH, PMF, LTN, SJY, TZJ and NKW, who did I miss?) talked about entertainments with GCL. GCL has a surprising knowledge about the world of entertainment, but she appeared to be ignorant to any Hollywood-related entertainments. She preferred Chinese movies. But still, listened to her talking about the actors and actress made me to look at her differently now. We spent two lessons jabbering about entertainments.

BM? Pongchu never entered the class. But the weather at that particular lesson was particularly windy so I was standing outside, trying to be 'Jack' in the class. Unfortunately no 'Rose' suited me. MTAM? Nothing. Privacy continued her teaching, and I continued my working. MM? OSM had finished teaching, so we continued jabbering. BC? NPL joined us and talked. And CMH continued to badger her into giving him 2 marks, and NPL continued to say she couldn't give anymore mark. She remained headstrong. It was interesting how CMH made the illogical logical. God you are a genius!

2.00pm. Class dismissed.

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