Monday 19 September 2011

Percubaan SPM, Day 8

First paper of the day: Physics paper 3. Among Paper 3 for three sciences, Physics is the easiest. Why? Because you are given two questions and you're asked to answer only one, the mark allocated is much less compared to Biology and Chemistry, and the questions allow your imagination to run, unlike Biology and Chemistry which have to be semantically identical to the practical book. Rubbish! As long as your experiment works they'll do why do they have to follow the practical book pedantically? Anyway, the paper is fun. The first question about CRO caught me off guard because I ain't expecting questions from Chapter 4. Question 2 is fine, question 3 is okay. The question about heat capacity shouldn't be out though, but everything can be explained as 'SPM is unpredictable'. Second paper of the day: Malay paper 2. While you can say students get advantage by having ample time for revision, teachers will be all miffed and pissed as the time for them to mark the papers would be scarce. As for the paper, it's moderately hard. There really is nothing much to say because I do not know anything as long as I haven't seen my papers.

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