Wednesday 9 June 2010

Leadership Camp, Day 1

It was the first day I went to that camp. I reached school around 7am, which made me one of the earliest person to arrive there. I wasn't the earliest, because YZR was with me.

I waited for 1 hour. Around 7.45am I realised everybody was wearing their society t-shirt or uniform, and I wasn't wearing either. I was wearing my house t-shirt. I began to panic because I thought I didn't follow the rules enforced, but then someone told me the rules didn't state anything, they all wore the shirts because they wanted to. THE BIGGEST COINCIDENCE IN THE WORLD!!

After that we began to assemble in the groups. I was put into the second group and I was shocked when I realised there were none of them whom I knew. I was familiar with three boys' names and none girls'

When they ordered us to take out our cutlery, I realised I didn't bring my cup. But I guess that didn't matter because I wasn't the only one, and I would never be the only one.

Then we sat in groups and began to listen to speeches. The camp began with a series of games that I find exceedingly boring. And I wasn't the only one to feel that way.

Then we had to fight to make our own flag. The blah....I couldn't remember anymore because everything was moving so slowly......

Lunch....unexpectedly, all of our lunch were packed in a plastic container. And we were told not to throw them away because we needed to us them again for the next meal, and the next meal, and then the next meal until our last meal.

Afternoon, we listened to a speech. It was an okay speech. TJS's cousin was the talker and we were the 'listeners'. The talk given was quite garden-variety. He liked to be flattered and I didn't bother to flatter him. But LZJ did something verbally diabolical. But it wasn't direct and we understood why he said that (haha), but was mean!!

Next....station game. We were running around wildly from a station to another. There were all together 4 stations, and my group won all of them! Yes!!

After dinner, we had a game. We were not allowed to see what was inside a box, we were only allowed to shove our hand inside and grope around until you touch something, and then you tell the 'faci' (short form for facilitator) what you were actually touching. Our group wasn't lucky that time. Lucky never stays.

Then, movie sharing--"An Inconvenient Truth", the most boring, most banal, most lacklustre movie. The documentary movie was about global warming. Although I really wanted to watch the movie, I was dog-tired and so I couldn't pay attention to watch the whole movie. But to me, the gist was the same--we need to save our planet. Stop being lackadaisical.

50% percent of campers dozed off, the other 50% managed to finish the movie, although I had no idea how they managed to watch the movie with a very strong soporific effect. After that we were asked to voice out what we thought about the movie. Bla.

We were so tired but they kept on talking. The two 'presidents' kept droning on and I endeavoured not to fall asleep. I was really tired. After about 45 minutes they finally stopped talking, which enlightened everybody in the hall. But we weren't allowed to sleep yet, we had got to have our supper and then our group advisor needed to talk to us about whatever they wanted to talk to us.

Then finally--11.45pm. We all fled and began to brush our teeth. I lied on the floor and began to sleep shortly after I closed my eyelids.

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