Thursday 5 March 2015

Semester 2, Year 1

How I am doing? Fine so far, weather in Kuching is much better and less torturing than that in Penang.

Right now I want to complain about the courses I have.

Professional Engineering
Not bad. Nothing much to comment for now as I have not learned much. The hand-sketching is quite fun, can't comment yet on other aspects.

Structural Mechanics
Second worst lecturer in the universe is teaching us this ridiculously tough subject and I do not see how I am going to survive this semester. This lecturer exhibits no desire to learn, seems antisocial, afraid of crowds and do not know how to engage his audience in the sense that 1) he has no confidence in himself and constantly doubts himself thus making himself looks stupid in front of his students and 2) he is extremely monotonous and 3) his English is terrible.

I'm dead.

Engineering Mathematics 2
So far so good. My lecturer is from India and she speaks with a very strong Indian accent. It's still acceptable and I can still hear what she says so it's okay to me.

Material and Processes
Restudying Chemistry at the moment. Simply a revision of STPM annoying Physical Chemistry. Thankfully I am spared from all those annoying Equilibria and shape of molecules. But new stuffs are coming and I'll judge which is harder then. My guts is STPM is the toughest no matter what I am going to learn. New stuffs may be tough in the sense that the concept is more abstract but as long as you get the concept, you can ace everything. The problem with STPM is that the concept is easy but the questions are preposterous. And right now thinking of STPM still makes me shivers even though I am now in university.

Stupid subject. Not worth my time talking.

Bye. Gotta be busy.


  1. Well, good luck and hope that you able to survive the structural mechanics and never ever give up no matter what would happen :-)

    1. I will not give up but I fear I will be given up. Haha thanks! =)
