Sunday 5 January 2020

Happy 2020!

Happy new year guys! I know, I'm five days late, but please forgive me because I have been overwhelmed with work. My boss agreed with a task that is simply humanly impossible, and now that he realised it, he's pushing us to put in lots of extra work to get it done. I would really like to lash out at him, but lucky for him it's a new year and I'm trying to have a better mood so I wouldn't want to tread that far at the moment. But I did make it pretty crystal clear, though through insinuations but he would probably catch it, that I am extremely unhappy with the work he agreed. You put in such a low quotation for a work you clearly underestimated and then you push us to put in ten times extra work to get it done, while not even a cent is given to us, nor would we receive extra bonus or allowance. We work ten times more, but still get the same pay. 2020, yes it's a new decade but you should be aware that cheap labour still exists in Asia, and even in a first world country like Singapore. Welcome to 2020 guys.

By the way, the image I attached with this post is by Tango Gao. I don't know who he is, where he is or, well, basically I do not know anything other than the name is Tango Gao. In fact, I can't be sure it's a he. It's just that the content smacks of masculine ideas, so please forgive me if I'm wrong but I'll stick to the masculine terms (forget neutral terms. In this world men and women will never ever reach equality however you try because biologically there's a difference and ergo any other things would bound to be different. Just a cheap and simple example, women will always get to clean men's toilets freely even if men are peeing, but men will never, ever even get to step a foot in a ladies' toilet. I'm not saying it's wrong, in fact I understand why and fully appreciate it, but this one rule is one example of why equality will never realise. By the way, I don't really intend to make myself sound like anti-feminist, but if we are both civil engineers and I have to go to sites and do all the dirty works for you because you're a woman and you cannot climb, it's dirty, and it's dangerous, then our job nature is different and you should not be demanding an equal pay. If I do all the dirty, dangerous and difficult work, I deserve a higher pay. And if you want an equal pay, you'll have to do what I do, else don't be entitled. These things come in a package, you don't get to pick and choose.) Anyway, the creativity he displays in his comics are awesome and is quite unique, so if you wanna see more of this creativity, please feel free to browse it here, I'm a follower on his Instagram account!

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