Saturday 26 December 2015


Officially, I am a Buddhist. Unofficially, and in real life, I profess no religion.

And I am not a person that could profess one easily. So forget about trying to cajole me into Islam, or trying to proselytise me in a Church.

Why do I choose not to profess a religion?

First of all, let me clarify something: I am not an atheist. I am simply a free thinker.

I believe in the existence of God, but I prefer not to choose a God to be dedicated to.

There are so many religions out there. How do you know which God brought you to Earth?

How do you know which God is the one who created Earth and created living beings?

I do not know. So unless I have a clear knowledge of which did it, I decide to take no side and stay neutral so that every God gets equal credit.

Okay. This may be a lame excuse.

Main one is this.

As mentioned, I believe in the existence of God. I acknowledge that I am His creation.

Most people pray to their God to receive guidance. They ask for His help to seek for direction, and to be bestowed strength to persevere in daily struggles.

I don't.

I believe when He brought me to this world, He has created me in a way that I could weather any storm that He intends to lash on me.

I do not need to seek for his help, for my destiny has been carved and I need no more guidance.

I believe that when He wants to help, He would help, and I would receive His guidance.

I believe that my life is a test He gives me.

He is watching how I go through my daily lives, so that He knows what He could do to me when I expire and go back to His side.

If you fear that I would one day forget that He exists, don't worry, I have always treated my presence in this world as the acknowledgement of His existence, for I am His creation.

If you fear I would lose my direction should I continue to refuse guidance, don't worry, God is the answer for everything. Pastors, monks or fathers are humans. I prefer direct contact, so that no communication is severed or misdirected.

I believe He exists. But I do not want to identify who He is.

He will let me know who He is if He wants.

But if He refuses to, I will live my life as a responsible human being, and I will know who He is once I am laid to rest for good, when He needs my service.

So no, I do not profess a religion. I don't need a religion to know how to be a human, nor do I need a religion to understand my responsibility to myself, to my fellow friends, to mother Earth, and to Him.

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