Thursday 10 May 2012

Form 6

I've begun my form 6 life two days ago, and surprisingly the number who joined form 6 is huge. 230+ students returned.

But the number is expected - or destined - to drop later, for four reasons:
1) Some merely came back to wait for admission to IPTA/Matriculation.
2) Some applied for JPA/Maktab and some appeal for Matriculation because they are not accepted. 20% chance they would have succeeded so I guess the number will drop quite a lot.
3) The new system doesn't sound any easier. Some came back because they thought it would be easier, but I guess after the briefing they've realised it isn't any easier and some would leave.
4) The request to change stream (science to commerce) is exceptionally hard this year as all requests need to be approved by MPM in Putrajaya. Some might not get their desired course, so some will leave; while some will stay back and fight STPM with profound gallantry.

Well, schooling will officially commence tomorrow.

My school does not have orientation, as only 4 out of 230+ students are not Jit Sin students, so we bypass this step and begin our schooling.

There'll be two class tests: one in August, another on 1st of October. Chapter 1-3 are tested for the first class test, and the remaining 3 will be tested in the second class test. So, my teacher will complete teaching 3 chapters in one month, and one chapter measures about 4 chapters of form 5 Additional Mathematics.

Wow, I salute my teachers for their speed. They must be good!

Anyway, I'm gung-ho to try this exam. I strive to get 4As, and I hope I get it. =)

New start, new beginning, new achievements!


  1. October 1st? Earlier than expected !! :O

  2. Early October, actually. If I'm not mistaken, it's October 1st. actually i can't remember clearly. ==

  3. All the very best, strive on diligently for getting 4As is possible.. This page is important as it should act as an inspiration for you to reflect in times of challenges in form 6 over the next 12 months

  4. It's the next 18 months....ah haha
    thank you sir, I'll try to get 4As. =)
