Friday 3 June 2011

What They Are Doing

This is what everybody is doing 2 hours (I assume) before BBQ.

The below sentences begin on 5.35pm, and it's arranged chronologically.

1) Pillow999, Phtt and OYV are chatting about various things. They are talking about somebody else, saying this person looks alike like her and then saying somebody is handsome...and bla bla bla

2) The annoying bastard, Marissa and the three mentioned above, including Eunice are talking and swooning over some food the annoying bastard's cousin cooked. They talked about, and yelled at, obviously impressed, by the vegetarian pizza she had cooked, delicious abalone, and some snails that looked mouth-watering. They are now mesmerised by the exceedingly looking-tasty food. They even complained how someone can eat ice-cream in a wintry weather.

3) Tungtungfish is reading a book most people perceived as sexually titilating. Whether he has been titilated or not, we do not know. It's a rhetorical question nobody except himself can answer. Now he's out, answering a phone call.

4) Minhuang is being screamingly impatient with his laptop. He found the internet service extremely slow. He then shows, or showing off, a house that he says looks like a hotel.

5) Pillow, Phtt and OYV are now looking at something in their handphone (or whatever jargons regarding mobile phones)

6)Minhuang is complaining someone's terrible photoshooting and is wondering the picture shown on his laptop is someone's abode or a hotel. He wants to borrow some money from his/her. He's acting like an innocent children.

7) Eunice and the annoying bastard are blocking Jesse from my visual. I can't see what she's doing, but I guess she's stunned by what the annoying bastard is saying.

8) I'm here typing, reporting every incidents by eavesdropping.

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