Thursday 20 May 2021

MCO 3.0?

The problem with Malaysians is that Malaysians use emotions to make decisions. They don't stand up for facts.

Logic dictates that if one hardcore MCO didn't work and a softer MCO doesn't work as well, the problem must be that the MCO is fatally flawed.

But Malaysians, as always, conclude that the problem here is that it is done wrong, instead of the solution being wrong.

So Malaysians loudly want a MCO 3.0.

Fine, call for it. Go for it.

We'll see how it goes maybe six months later. Since you guys love destroying yourself, go for it. I couldn't care anymore.

The biggest horror on this planet is when people abandons logic and reasonings and facts and allow emotions to take over and make decisions based on fear. We've seen the consequence. We had daily cases of barely 400 when we had the first MCO - where did it lead us a year later? Seriously, what inspires people to think a third is going to work?

You want it to work. You wish it's going to work because you're scared.

But the fact is it isn't going to work. And calling for another one is delaying the inevitable. You're just a camel wanting to stick your head in the sand because it is a much more convenient of facing the fact.

The core has always been the same: comply with the SOP. Non-compliance is useless. You can put in century-long MCO, as long as people are not compliant, it's not going to work.

But Malaysians being Malaysians just have to stick to doing something prove useless.

Fine. Good luck.

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