Monday 13 July 2020

Supernatural, Season 13

I first watched Supernatural on TV3, back when Charmed was still on TV, because it was advertised on Star2 when TV was still a big deal, back in 2005. My sister and I both watched it, and immediately loved the show. As Charmed was the hotter magic show back then, we drew similarities between these two show, and concluded that Charmed was more fantasy while Supernatural has darker tone and less fantasy. I loved the show so much, I even bought pirated DVDs because in 2005 the internet was still not a thing in Malaysia.

Not, fast forward 15 years later, Supernatural is supposed to have concluded. Due to Covid-19, it has been on a hiatus and we still do not know when the finale will come. 15 years later, I am still watching this series.

I deliberately chose not to watch Supernatural, season 13 yet because I know once I started it, I'll get addicted and I will not stop. I stopped at Season 12 two years ago, and intended to wait until the series finale so that I can finish 3 seasons in one go. I was wrong. I couldn't wait anymore. I watched it. As expected, I got addicted and finished it in a mere week despite massive workload.

Despite 13 seasons, Supernatural is still insanely addictive. Be very careful before you even begin to watch one episode.

The original intention was for it to have 5 seasons, and season 5 did conclude the main story arc. The first five seasons were indeed awesome, and I can remember a lot of it despite so many years have gone by.

Season 6 was very boring. Castiel became an antagonist is not cool. Season 7, quite the contrary to the public opinion, I did find this season interesting. Season 8 and 9 though, boring, I couldn't remember much. Season 10 was okay, but also I couldn't remember much.

Season 11 was when the show came back banging like season 5. The show we all loved came back strong and mighty!

Then there was season 12, which introduced something I thought ridiculous: a parallel universe. Okay, fine, let's just give it a try.

And then holy shit, season 13! We are introduced the character Jack, Lucifer's son. Oddly, I like this character a lot. It's well played by this actor, who I cannot recognise despite having guest starred on Arrow.

Sam-Dean-Castiel-Jack relationship just became another one that became an integral part of the series, and I really love to watch the brotherly bond.

The other story arc though, the ridiculous alternate universe archangels with this universe archangel. I don't really like it, but okay it was still entertaining. It was weak though, comparatively. Angels as the enemies, just don't bode well.

I have rough idea how Season 14 and 15 (so far) go, but I really just cannot wait for the finale!

I've watched this series for 15 years so far. 15 god damn long years. I will miss it when it finally ends. Really, I'll feel like a part of me has ended. 15 years, since season 1. I've never grown so attached to any series, and I don't think I'll find any one that will replaceSupernatural.

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