Sunday 7 August 2016

Jason Bourne

9 years since The Bourne Ultimatum, and 4 years since its sequel/spin-off The Bourne Legacy that does not feature Jason Bourne, Jason Bourne is now back!

I'm a great fan of Jason Bourne. Forget James Bond or Ethan Hunt of the Mission Impossible series, Jason Bourne rocks! He functions on nothing and can utilise anything within reach, and he trusts no one, operates alone, and he rocks! James Bond and Ethan Hunt are basically dead meat without technology.

Jason Bourne is a movie that does not base on any of the novels written by the creator, although its previous films have taken a largely divergent path from the original storyline and borne not much resemblance to the books in the market, so it's hardly surprising.

The review. Okay. First of all, they should not have killed Nicky!!!! I mean WTF why would you kill the character off? She's basically literally the only person Jason Bourne could trust! She's the only friend Jason Bourne has who he knows would not double cross him! WTF?

Besides that freaking disastrous decision taken by the movie producer, the movie itself is okay. It's action-packed and filled with suspense. It's now not about Threadstone but now it's something very personal to Jason Bourne - it's the journey to find the answer to his father's death.

The movie is great, as awesome as it always has been. But one question, why, after 10 years, would Nicky suddenly hack into CIA's database? As a former agent, she should have known she would leave detectable traces. As a former computer hacker, she should have realised a malware was planted into her laptop. The reason to that action that prompted the chain actions seems hazy. I mean, why after 10 years?

My personal rating: 8/10.

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