Saturday 23 July 2016

Ambition, or an interest, should be the centre of life

I don't look down on stupid people, or people who cannot get good academic grades. People often think I act that way because society dictates the people who are either academically inferior or dense are at the bottom of a saturated ladder.

I don't.

I think it's okay if people are not academically successful. Not everyone is brought to the world with their brain the sharpest tool. Some are meant to be a model. Some were born with artistic skills and an insatiable taste for designs. Some are good at socialising, and they are meant to drive business up. Some are good at acting and they provide entertainment. Some are gifted with sentimental souls that reach out to others and are meant to soothe the people. Some love sport, and live for sport.

I personally believe it is absolutely okay to be poor in academic.

But, I think it is very, very dangerous if one has no ambition, interest, or a sense of purpose of living. That being said, if you are poor in academics and yet have no other interests, then I think it is a very dangerous journey you are taking.

If your life is only about computer games, watching television dramas, and eating and sleeping, then I think it is time you wake up from your deep slumber, pick yourself up, and start to fight a sense of purpose for living.

We are now inching towards becoming a grown-up. As we grow it is natural we carry more responsibilities and some time in the coming years we would form the community that is keeping the world alive.

There will be a time when you will realise playing computer games is not going to contribute anything. It fills your time with entertainment but there shall be no illusion that a virtual reality can provide a physical satisfaction.

You should find an interest. Everybody has an interest. Before you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, find out what kind of person you are. You must know who you are before you attempt to have someone in your life.

You must understand what is keeping you alive every day. You must be able to visualise the future of which you hold. You must be able to see your ambition come true.

I think it is very dangerous if one depends on another person to give their life fulfilment. You are an individual with a soul. You need to exploit it.

Only when you soul is fully exploited, then only you should find a life partner.

Only when two fully exploited souls come together can a partner be deeply bound.

Every human has a wish, an ambition or an interest in your life. If you live your life by only playing computer games and watching television, it's time you pick up your life, and start the arduous journey of finding what you really are, and what you really want.

You should be responsible for your own life, before you start to take the responsibility of providing one for another.

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