Wednesday 13 January 2016

Black Tea or Green Tea?

I love drinking tea. I love coffee more but tea is a close second. I initially consume it because of its abundant health benefits, but now I unhealthily indulge in it because tea simply tastes amazing and it's just too hard for me to resist.

For years I have been drinking green tea. Green tea is my favourite. I drink it every day, and slowly developed loyalty to it. When I buy food and if there is a green tea taste, I'll buy it. I prefer it to others. Green tea mooncake. Green tea cheesecake. Green tea cookies. I even use green tea shampoo and even green tea oral wash! Green tea is one tea you should not underestimate. While there is no conclusive and definite evidence to suggest it has its reputed qualities, it certainly has shown it aided in longevity (contributing to Japan's long lifespan) and to some degree prevent cancer from developing. Apparently it contains a lot of antioxidants that are vitals to preventing cancer cells from forming.

Only very recently I began to start drinking black tea, which, ironically, in Chinese is called "red tea" (红茶). I hated black tea because I suspected the manufacturer added colourings into the tea leaves. I remembered I steeped it in a cup of water, and was floored by how quickly the water turned yellow. The yellow colour seemed oddly unnatural, I remember. But right now I have accepted it as simply nature. Okay, perhaps colourings have been added, but I don't care anymore. Black tea has fluorine that could help dental cares. The irony, however, is this: black tea has certain chemical that could prevent osteoporosis and help in strengthening bones - again, I should say evidence is inconclusive - but consuming too much black tea could backfire and cause bone problems instead as then you will be downing lots of fluorine, and fluorine, taken in excess, could cause osteofluorosis. In short, moderation is key, guys.

I love tea. I simply do. If you don't enjoy drinking tea, you should try them. They are the cheapest healthy drinks you could find.

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