Wednesday 5 September 2012

Big 2

Ya, I know, for someone of my age I should have learnt it years ago. The problem is, due to the age gap with my siblings and lack of passion from my sister and family, I never got a chance to learn it at all. So, since most of my friends knew the game and played it well (enjoyed it too), I learnt it online by trial and error - never read any instructions beforehand, go straight to the game, and since it's a computerised game, if I try to use cards that aren't allowed, I won't be able to discard it; if I try to use cards that are not higher, I will be halted from discarding it. Trial and error - the most amazing way one can learn everything and the most effective way one can learn from. Now, I can play it quite well, and have actually found it quite addictive. Gosh!

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