Thursday 3 November 2011

Truly Disappointed

How can our Education Minister make such a preposterous decision and still insists that majority of Malaysians support it when it is very obvious majority of Malaysians are against it?

How can this bastard fail to see the importance of PPSMI as a tool to leapfrog our country to achieve international standard in Maths and Science?

How can this ignorant bastard says that it's the best for all students when his own children are sent to international school and receive international education?

How can this arrogant bastard be so adament and refuse to listen to the rakyat, when they say rakyat didahulukan all the time?

How can this jerk toy with our country's youth by playing with the education system?

How can you just watch them suffer from the sudden switch from English to Malay?

How can you sacrifice the country's future just to protect those who refuse to improve themselves by learning English?

How can you fail to see the rakyat's wish??

How can you make such an absurd change in our country's education system??

You fail all Malaysians. I don't know about others. But for me, when I'm eligible to vote, you don't ever dream you'll get mine.

And I hope all Malaysians are clear about this issue and have you kicked out from your seat for being arrogant and incompetent.

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