Saturday 15 October 2011

Sick 3

Persistent violent coughs had bothered me for virtually two weeks and despite calling on doctors for two times my condition didn't improve.

Therefore my mother, extremely concerned and worried, called my uncle who is a doctor, and got another theory: the mucus in my nose might have flowed down my throat, bringing the trapped bacteria down and hence infected my throat and had probably gone to the extent of infecting my lungs.

But I did not have a fever and all the phlegms I spit up were white, indicating no infection. I had no signs of having infection at all, until yesterday the first phlegm I spit up was yellowish. My uncle told me the first phlegm that is spit up, especially the one in the morning, is the key. If the first phlegm is green or yellow but the phlegm for the rest of the days are white, we still consider it as 'yellow' as the first phlegm is the most concentrated and any undesirable things can be spot on clearly and immediately.

Therefore my mother went to buy more antibiotics and cough medications. For now, I'm improving. I'm seriously hoping my condition ain't deteriorating, because I've been violently sick for two weeks and since it's unprecedented for me, I hated it a lot as I suffer quite a lot. Anyway, I'm praying.

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