Thursday 3 March 2022

Midnight Mass

 This is a very Christian-themed show, which I wasn't aware of before I started watching.

The first episode began with Riley Fylnn killing a girl while driving intoxicated, briefly showing him in jail, and quickly proceed to showing him returning to the island he came from.

I thought he thus plays a very pivotal role in the series, but as it turns out he isn't the main character. Just a side character that is given unjustified screentime.

But that's fine. It's just a peculiar introduction.

The series role focuses on the father claiming to be replacing Monsignor Pruitt temporarily while he was incapacitated on the mainland. Then, as the series goes on, more sinister elements began to surface, until a vampire/angel appears, and until Bev that b*tch gets on my nerve.

I can't say I thoroughly enjoyed this show. As a non-Christian, the Christianity elements in this show bore and confound me. Then the religious fervour of a town to such questionable fault is disturbing. Then, we have a sheriff who is a Muslim, an odd one out amongst the town population, and his son whose faith was shaken and began to drift away from Islam to Christianity.

The show has some good elements - the return of the kids to his faith after being led astray is extremely admirable. Bev shows how delusional some religious fanatics can be, and while Monsignor Pruitt was responsible for bringing the devil to the island, he was also one of those who righteously attempted to put an end to it. 

Overall, quite an okay show.

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