Sunday 5 December 2021


Disney+ had 11/11 sales - first-time subscribers or returning subscribers get to pay S$1.98 for the first month, then the full price for the next if the subscribers don't cancel. I subscribed, mostly because I'm parasiting my sister's Netflix account and I wanted to return the favour, but then Disney+ SG is not available in Malaysia, so I watched it on my own. Initially, I went for the cartoons (childhood memories), then I tried to watch a bit of 24 and Lost, both series I briefly watched when I was little but never finished. I initially got bored.

Then, I saw Guardians by the Galaxy Vol.2. I watched the first, I remembered it was good. I remembered the second hitting the cinemas but I never watched it, so I seized this opportunity to catch up with what I lost. Holy shit. This began my madness about MCU.

Believe me or not, I didn't know MCU existed. I know about Avengers series but I didn't know it was part of a deliberate, planned Marvel Cinematic Universe. I didn't even watch Iron Man or Captain America to begin with. I remembered the tonnes of questions flooding my FB's page after Avengers: Infinity War about what the hell happened in the ending, and the hype about Avengers: Endgame, and also Black Panther because somehow Wakanda was a real thing.

Hooked, I immediately watched the MCU films I liked. Because I watched Avengers: Infinity War and then the sequel first, it was a bit boring trying to watch from the first - switching from an action-packed movie to an introduction is not a great idea. Next time, please just start from the jump.

I watched only the recent ones - Dr Strange, because Benedict played Sherlock and I liked him. As always, awesome actor. I then watched Spiderman, and jumped into the bandwagon of watching Homecoming and Far From Home, although I initially wasn't interested in them to begin with because Tom Holland's version of Peter Parker was a little 'too young' for me. But it was entertaining nonetheless (and I like Stark-Parker's father-son relationship a lot).

I just finished Captain Marvel. This movie was a bit boring, but it was still good. Pace's very slow after you've watched Avengers. I'm now hooked on WandaVision. I like Wanda, she's a powerful witch and a really intriguing character. Of all the characters in the MCU films, I like Wanda, Danvers, Peter Parker (ya, though I initially disliked him), Dr Strange (literally Sherlock with magic), and Guardians of the Galaxy's teams, especially Groot, and also Quill. And also Black Widow, but she lost points because she's quite ordinary, just equipped with fighting skills, when compared to the rest of the team members. But she's hot.

Needless to say, I'll continue the current MCU series. I regretted not knowing it earlier, and didn't watch Avengers: Endgame in the cinema, I could imagine it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Well, I never really liked Marvel. Now I like it only because I subscribed Disney+ and was introduced to it. Never mind, better late than never. I'm considering subscribing for one full year - that allows me to save 15% annually or 11 months + 1 month free, but other than these movies I'm not sure Disney+ has a lot else to offer me. But we'll see.

Looking forward to Spiderman: No Way Home!

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