Tuesday 6 May 2014


How is your life?
Mine is a bit challenging, and somewhat tiring.
The job I currently undertake requires some social skills
of which I do not dread but have not truly acquired.

are people of confusing characters.
is the matter
Recalcitrance best defines them
or annoyingly resilient, if you prefer
listening to instructions ain't a choice,
it's a resistance they are genetically coded to shun

PBS has engendered yet another level of education deterioration
students under PBS finds almost none motivation to study
and ergo the basic they have is one that falls on light impact
and one that collapses on one hit

Malaysian education is screwed up.
People who do not know the system runs the system
and therefore we get tonnes of rubbishes
and instructions that are unrealistic and impractical

This government must be changed.

When I'm eligible to vote, I'll make sure I personally oust them
To toy with a country's future is a treason
where one should never escape scot-free. 
Yet the culprit in Malaysia is politically protected
and with abuse of power strengthens their hold
and eliminate their enemies

Malaysia is sick.
We need new government
who actually cares about the country.

Pray for Malaysia.
And Malaysians please rise,
for the future lies on our hands.

By the way,
where are you?

1 comment:

  1. I share your view. Malaysia is one of the countries where politicians toy the education system. Education is a political tool here. And, after all, our education policies are drawn up by no one but those who have done nothing but drunk coffee and enjoyed air-conditioner in office. Those policies are too random and too idealistic without a proper guideline being set up. So bad us students are the ones who suffer.
