Sunday 9 March 2014


This is probably the darkest moment in Malaysia history in the past decade, and the darkest in Malaysia Airline's history.

Malaysia Flight MH370 bound to Beijing, China from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, disappeared and lost contact with Air Control Traffic two hours into flight.

It had been two days, and there was still no trace of the aeroplane, despite extensive search and thorough investigation.

It is a real mystery why the plane could go astray, especially when there was no reports of bad weathers, faulty mechanical parts, or distress calls.

Experts suspect whatever happened to the plane was sudden, leaving the crews no time to make any emergency calls.

Whatever it is, the plane was suspected to have disappeared at a disputed area. However, right now, the territory claim has been put aside, and all neighbour countries have come forward and joint efforts to search for the missing plane.

I have to admit I don't think there'll be survivors, however, I will not cease to pray in supplication for any trace of the planes to be found.

May the plane MH370 be found quickly, the cause of disappearance investigated early, and the sufferings for the relatives of the passengers end as soon as possible.


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