Thursday, 14 February 2013

First Letter To My Friends

To all my friends,

I do not usually categorise my friends into "great", "good", "bad" and "total bastard", although I sometimes do tend to draw a distinctive line between a few group of friends to whom I show some liking and those who I find repulsive.

But whoever you're, if I consider you a friend, and if I consider you a close friend, I do not like seeing you sad.

I am oddly sentimental, so I can tell, from your visage, the state of your emotion. If you're happy, I know. If you're sad, I know. If you're angry, I know. I'm pretty good at deciphering body languages.

Sometimes, through words, I could sense a tinge of turbulence in your fragile emotion. You might appear strong and robust, but deep down the whirl of unrest is ferociously beating. And I would know.

I would know if you're sad, and I really hate to see my friends sad. If you're sad, please remember that I'm there for you IF you want me. If you detest me, you don't have to come close to me. If you want someone to confide in, I'm here, and I'm all ears.

Please don't be sad, because when I see my friends sad, I got sad. I share your pain even though I do not know why.

So if you're sad, I'm there for you, because I do not like seeing you sad, and I don't like feeling sombre.

Your Friend,
TJA aka Danny.

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