Thursday 12 July 2012

Form 6 Studies

I've got to admit - life has been dull recently. I can manage to squeeze some time for frolicking, but then I would suffer under a pile of homework and books of gobbledygook.

I realise I'm more fond of enjoying life now, perhaps due to peers influence and the job I took last time. Now, hiding myself in my house is now something I enjoy anymore. Once I've been offered an opportunity to anything socially engaging, I would immediately jump at the chance. Perhaps a little hesitant when I see the piles of homework, but normally I would have joined anything that comes towards me.

Okay. Since I've regaled you about the story of my class, and am currently out of topics to talk about, so I will drone on something I personally despise but have to talk about to ensure my blog doesn't just die off.

I'll start with the compulsory subject - Pengajian Am. So far, so good. The subject is, contrary to what people believe, exceptionally interesting. Studying about politics (not political parties, thank God, and not the history of them too) is quite useful. It's always good to learn about politics. We'll be a voter one day, it's best if we get a picture of how it's like before we actually vote. But I admit writing essays is very mundane and dull, but.....everything has its bright side and dark side.

Next, Chemistry. Currently the second most confusing subject. STPM Chemistry is totally different from SPM. In this level, you'll realise what you've learnt in SPM Chemistry are actually either wrong or incomplete, and this causes you to suffer very badly in form 6, especially since the concepts are very abstract and require profound visualisation. So far, I've learnt till Chemical Bonding, and I'm already struggling with it, especially about the hybridisation of atomic orbitals and the lewis structure of molecules.

Then, Physics. So far, so good. All I've done so far are revisions of SPM Physics, but at a more advanced level. Many calculations are involved, unlike SPM where theories are more emphasised and calculations are actually very simple. Then, MUET. Nothing much to complain. I've got used to my teacher's unsuitable teaching methods and absence, so I'm quite okay with it. I strive for at least band 4 and hopefully I would get band 5. Since band 6 requires extreme good proficiency in the language and I know my limits, I won't stretch it and simply lower my expectation so that the disappointment that it ensues won't be very damaging to me.

Then, the most discombobulating subject - Mathematics.T. Owing to the in-depth knowledge on the syllabus, and the scarcity of time to produce a good book, and the lack of reference books for studying, all of us are struggling very badly. You can say that we've all been mortally wounded by the subject, and are fighting for survival now. The whole chapter of Vector speaks jargon, and none of us has enough intelligence to interpret it. And the worst thing is that the coursework is related to this topic, and most likely will only touch this chapter. With the wide syllabus and lack of time, now my teacher is warning us that we'll most likely be unable to finish the syllabus before we sit for the exam.


Thankfully, I've never asked for perfectness, and therefore I guess I won't be stressed very much since I do not aim 4As (getting it is desired but not necessary for me, since I'm not intending to enter IPTA).

But I'll make sure I get at least a B+. Maths is my soul, and I will make sure I do it well. It'll be a war between me and the tough opponents consisting 4 subjects.

Let the war begins!

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