Sunday 15 August 2021

Covid-19 - First Dose Experience

I've finally been fully vaccinated, effective today!

Singapore began allowing PRs and LTPH to receive vaccines from 28 June 2021. We were the last batch to receive, and when the application was open, I jumped to it.

I'll share my experience, beginning with receiving the first dose.

There were a few CCs around me that offered vaccination, but I wanted to receive it as soon as possible. The nearest one offered Pfizer/BioNTech but there was no weekend slot, so I had no choice but to opt for a weekday night slot. But then, another CC, which was a bit harder to get to from my location, had an earlier weekend slot and offered the Moderna vaccine. Wanting to get jabbed asap, I changed to get Moderna instead. (Btw, Moderna doses were administered 4 weeks apart while Pfizer's 3 weeks apart, I would be fully vaccinated at the same time whichever one I had opted for anyway).

To be frank, I was very worried about the first jab. I never had mRNA vaccines before (nobody ever has). So I was actually very, very nervous when I arrived there to get my vaccine. It didn't help that I was alone.

The procedures were simple. I walked in, I was asked to confirm the appointment time (Sun, 4pm), and then I was asked to sit to wait. I waited for only about 10 minutes top, and then I proceeded to registration. I was asked many questions on whether I had any known allergies, taken any other vaccines, whether I was on blood-thinning medications and whatnot. 

After that, I was swiftly led to a set-up booth. There was a very young guy inside, probably younger than me, judging by his looks. He briefed me what to expect, and rather swiftly administered the dose to me. It was quicker than I thought - took about only 2 seconds. Then I was asked to go outside for monitoring for 30 minutes. The whole process was quite shockingly efficient.

Within the 30 minutes, I was really, really nervous and frankly, very scared. But luckily there wasn't any issue, and after 30 minutes I was allowed to go home after being told that my second vaccine shot would be one month later.

Thank you, Singapore, for also giving me a box of mask with 50 pieces, and a 500 mL hand sanitiser.

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