Monday 10 October 2016


It's a university. It's a place where you learn to be independent and you should appreciate that there is such an opportunity.

The awful fact about private universities is that a lot of people get in by money. They don't get it with the spirit to learn.

A lot of them, on the other hand, wanna learn. But there's one thing that is lacking: independence.

I pretty sure it's the same everywhere. A lot of people, when given an assignment or project, heavily relies on seniors' work or samples to the point they dare not do anything that is divergent from the samples.

It's an assignment. As long as you answer the question, it's unlikely your work could be wrong. How you present them normally doesn't matter much as long as it is neat and tidy. If it's a professional work that requires a specific format, then the format is usually made known. Just follow it.

Sometimes you must learn to do an assignment on your own, then to always refer to samples and ask why samples are all different. And if samples are wrong, don't take it.

It's no wonder even graduates are scolded by employers when they're employed. Graduates/undergraduates nowadays cannot think on their own.


  1. Keep coming back to read your latest entry. You have an interesting takes on things, probably similar in some way to mine so that's why I love reading your writing. Stay cool ☺����

  2. Thanks a lot! I'm just being very realistic and practical. Not sure whether it's a good thing but that's me!
