Thursday 11 September 2014


The greatest thing that has happened in my life is none other than studying form 6.

I miss form 6 life.

Waking up early in the morning, drive lazily to gate 5, and then drag myself into my class and then fall asleep on my table.

Watch my friends come in one by one, then wait for the bell to ring and the teacher to enter the class or go to DK.

Normally, for the first few periods, my lethargy triumphs. I would just fall asleep until the sun is shining enough or the aroma of fried chicken from the chicken permeates to my class.

I too once in charge of the attendance book. It was a burden and troublesome too.

Then normally after recess time, I would be more lively.

But the humid and hot weather make almost all of us listless. We can't concentrate in class so we just play around and ignore our teacher.

Sometimes when teacher does not enter the class, we'll just go out lepak. Form 6 is quite free, they aren't strict with discipline.

I remember we once played boardless chess in class. We had the pieces only, so we used a ruler as the river and played boardless chess.

Then we play with syilings.

Then we poked people around.

When assignments are due and we couldn't do them, we just go search around for plausible answers and copy one entirely because we have no better choice to take.

When STPM result is released, we'll quickly contact everyone and ask about their result.

Then the next day after school, we'll all move to BSN to buy PIN number for retake, turning BSN into Jit Sin.

When we see too many people lining up, we'll just shove all PIN number to one who arrives first and gets to be served first.

I miss the moment, after school, we all go play badminton together.

I miss the moment, after school, we go around BM to look for famous hawker food. Sentosa yam rice, Jalan Kulim laksa etc...

I miss the moment, on Thursday, we go to now closed AEON Jusco to watch movies.

I miss the moment, every semesters, we wait for new publications to be on sale.

I miss the moment, every week, we have to stay back in school to study or attend co-curriculum activities.

I miss the moment, every day, after school we'll stay back and have lunch.

I miss the moment, sometimes, it rains and we wet ourselves on our way to our car.

I miss the moment, every day, whole throng of people walk out of the gates together in the hot sun.

I miss the moment, after every class, we'll go to toilet together and enter the class slightly late.

I miss the moment, for almost every week, we have a time to mingle around and play sports at our favourite place.

I miss the moment, every day, we play like children in the class.

I miss the moment, weirdly though, that we cooperate and clean the class during gotong-royong.

Form 6 life is awesome, and I never once regret taking STPM.

I would give everything I could if there's an opportunity to study form 6 again.

It is the best thing that has happened in my life. The most beautiful and memorable.

I miss it so much I refuse to write this post in past tense.



  1. Wow, you are one lively STPM student that I've ever seen so far. :) Good for you. It amazed me to see that even though you were taking a major pre-u examinations in your life, you could do lots of those things that seems enjoyable yet, trifle for the eyes of other form 6 students. And for that I salute you.

    On the contrary, most of my classmates including me do nearly the same routines that mostly only revolves around studying and revising, every day, perpetually. Before I get up from my bed at 5am, I will think of the dates of trials and the first term that draws nearer and nearer, and it's totally foreboding. When I'm eating breakfast and on my way to school, all I can think of is what to revise/recap for the day.

    After I'm back from school, I will try to complete any given homework and rest for a while. Heck, even resting and taking an evening nap left me a feeling of remorse, ergo I often try to skim through any notes books. After having dinner, I will proceed on revising, and will only playing games or watching anime in the weekends. It keeps on till 2am or 3am, and only then will I hit the sack and call it a night.

    Technically redundant, maybe. But, historically, not cool. I don't just wanna spend my 1.5 years studying from day till night like a zombie and tell my friends in the future that all I can remember when undertaking STPM is only STUDYING....

    1. Why give yourself so much stress? There's so much more about life that you should enjoy!

      STPM is tough, but to ace it you must not let it overwhelm you. You need to balance academics and entertainment, so that STPM does not psychologically defeat you before they physically bring you down in the actual exam!

      Go have fun, form 6 is the best secondary school life you'll have! The opportunity is there, grab it while you can! Trust me, like I said, I would give everything I could if I were given a chance to relive my form 6 life! I love it!
