Monday 17 February 2014

STPM 2013 Ulangan 1 Result

I opted to resit only one paper: first term Physics.

I had no time to prepare much for the paper as Physics (U1) is scheduled 4 days after term 3 exam ends. I used only a mere 4 days to revise everything I learnt when I was in lower six.

When I flipped through the question, I realised there are questions I couldn't answer, and later I found out I got the projectile done wrong.

I expected a grade below B, which is what I got for my first term, and ended up got pleasantly surprised that I scored an A.

I couldn't fully absorb this news yet, but right now I don't really have much to complain.

Thank God again!


  1. Are you planning to repeat semester 3? I heard that people who resit semester 3 will get their result at a later date.

    1. Yup. I am giving last try to fix my STPM grade.

      Those who retake will get full result only at the end of April.

  2. Still there must be some reasons. I have a friend who got C+.
