Saturday 23 March 2013

Maths T Assignment

Mathematics T assignment for this semester requires us to use differential equation to investigate the population growth of aedes mosquitoes. The equation is given, and it's called the logistic growth equation.

It is a very simple assignment, until my school genius teacher, who is the head of the assignment in my state, complicates everything with his appallingly poor understanding of questions.

If you've done the whole assignments, you would understand the requirements of the questions and therefore you know exactly what the questions want you to find. Sadly to this teacher, his understanding is so poor, he thinks the question is vague and requires us to do all possible answers. So for question 5, it initially requires only 3 lines in a graph paper, but thanks to his terrible analytical skills, we have to draw 24 lines in a total of 4 graphs.

Why I say it's wrong?
1) The question, though not written crystal clear, clearly requires the students to submit only a piece of graph paper. He wants 4.
2) It you study physics, you would know that it is simply impossible for the positive constant of any equation to be varying. This Maths teacher thinks it would. By that logic, at different countries you'll need different gravitational constant, and nearly all physics law need to be remodelled.
3) It is very well understood from the assignment that the carrying capacity of the population is not changing.

For question 6 he wants us to draw an additional graph that is actually a transformation of the table given. Basically he asks us to draw a graph of P against t, which is not required by the question at all, and asks us to draw at least ten tangents for reasons nobody understands why.

I got very angry, nearly went berserk, and didn't do that graph. I submitted my assignment based on my understanding of the assignment, not based on the teacher's.

Seriously, why do such teachers exist?


  1. you should be thankful to your teacher, because at least he had putting his effort to guide you all. for me is even worst then you. my math teacher not guide us at all and even we as him to explain a bit for the part of question that we not understand also he not bother us.

    we are so angryyy!! gerrrr ><

    until now we havent done the assignment.

    can you please help me? explain to me how to do. please....T^T

  2. He's not my teacher, he's just teaching in my school. My maths teacher knows nothing, does not guide us at all, and doesn't even know Maths. Ask her any Maths questions she would ask you to try them yourself. And she sucks at teaching. For assignment, she's merely following what the other teacher tells her. She doesn't guide us, doesn't tell us anything, does nothing Literally the worst teacher I've met throughout my life.

    I think internet got solution for assignment. For Q1, you find the definition at wikipedia. Q2 just use the equation dP/dt = rP(1-P/K). Show that if P>K, then P/k > 1 and (1 - P/k) < 0. Q3 almost same.

    Q4 differentiate it once. Q5 just consider P and K will vary. What that teacher says makes no sense, so just consider P and K will change. Make your own table, use your own data (any data) to show the behaviour of P against K. Express P implicitly in terms of other. Use differential equation to find the general solution of the logistic growth equation.

    For Q6 just draw the graph. It's a bell-curve graph will maximum point.

  3. can u share ur answer out?i am blur...

  4. pls share the answer..... my deadline is so near :(

  5. guide here:

  6. Hi Danny, I got some problem on question 5. I can't get the 2 equation that u u mention in the guide. Can u show me?

  7. here:
