Saturday 26 September 2015


If there's anything you need to know about me, it's that I might be hurt, but I cannot feel hurt.

I grow up being hurt by a parent. Consequently I stand up and care for my another parent. It's there one thing I know from my family background, it's that I am incapable of feeling hurt. In fact, I'm incapable of love. Romantic or family. I'm incapable of expressing like.

Do not worry if you've hurt me. I may be hit hard and get emotional for a while, but my family taught me to be resilient. And I recover every time.

Friday 25 September 2015

Hectic Life Begins Again

I've been very busy these few days and thus do not have the luxury of time nor the mood to update anything.

Studying keeps me occupied most of the time, with assignments beginning to pile up faster than I could complete them.

Haze in Sarawak is getting bad and is expected to be worse in a matter of days.

Food in Kuching tastes better than it used to be, although I must say it is still no way close to Penang food. Sorry.

I've got friends I can get along much better due to less cultural barrier. Mingling with people who share interest and overlapping personality is just much better.

Not to say my other friends are bad. They just lack something I could fit in.

Other than that, I've got nothing exciting to update anymore. Will update once I have free time.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Homo Sapiens

I'm observant. I like to observe every thing that goes on around me the moment I am bored. I like to look at what people do while waiting for their food to be served, I observe the frustration the waiters experienced the moment they mess up their orders, I observe the confusion on the chefs' visages when they realise they could not remember who their customer is to serve their food. I do it on a daily basis, or whenever there is an opportunity, and one day I just happen to see a rather healthy stray dog wandering in the food court. Its immediate presence strikes a huge juxtaposition as it, being an animal surrounded by an unlike species, appears to exhibit no fear of being foreign. Then it got me thinking - and I don't know how this came - how humans are different from animals?

Seriously, sometimes we should spend some time sit down and ponder carefully. Try to compare ourselves with any known living organisms that aren't categorised as homo sapiens. Just do some simple thinking. Look at what animals have. Canines have strong muscles and flexibility that allow them to leap and sprint as fast as a running car. Birds have wings that allow them to ascend to the air and take an aerial view while making minimal land movement on legs. Fish can survive in water without legs and of course they have completely different bodily structures from humans. And then we have thousands of thousands types of insects out there to document, and it is believed there are still thousands yet unfounded and undocumented.

Besides them, let's start to compare humans and animals. Seriously, after doing some serious work on this work, you'll realise how cowardly and useless humans are.

Humans are just a living being that could manage to walk the Earth and conquer every corner of this dying planet because humans have a brain. That's all. It's the complex and still enigmatic human brain that is the cause of every thing, and sadly it is foreseen it will also be the end of every thing. Let's look at the biological characteristics of humans. Humans do not have the agility of a cat, nor do humans have the muscle strength like that of a tiger. If humans are thrown into the wild unarmed and unprotected, any mammals out there are most likely capable of pounding on any living humans and tear them into pieces. Any humans who set foot on Australia would most likely be annihilated or probably even wiped out by kangaroos who obviously could fight much better than humans or exert greater damage.

Human has skins that are so sensitive, it tolerates only very little pressure. Unlike insects, or monkeys, for instance, humans cannot crawl on a prickly tree without probably damaging their whole skin. Unlike leopards or kangaroos, humans cannot walk in the wild with bare foot without stepping on some fine sands or tiny stones that will punch a hole into out feet. Then, humans are also very temperature sensitive. Worse, humans cannot adapt to temperature changes. Yet, humans are not equipped with the endurance to migrate, nor are humans built with the mechanism to hibernate. When the weather turns hot, humans could die of dehydration and yet humans cannot survive under water. When it turns cold, humans have got to hide into somewhere where heat could be retained and yet humans have to fight those places with other animals like bears. Human skin is also not tolerant to extreme temperatures, making humans unable to walk on grounds that are hot as in dessert, unlike camels, nor can humans walk on ice, like penguins.

Going further, look at humans. As far as I can recall, humans are the only living organisms who could not ingest uncooked food. Any insertion of food into our body has got to be processed, heated, and cleaned so thoroughly it has to be almost 99% certain no microorganisms of any sorts could be present in our food. Have you seen animals that cook their food? No. Tigers hunt and rip their food apart and eat them while it literally is fresh. Humans don't. It then beggars a question: why can't humans eat uncooked food? Simple, it got me to think it is probably because humans have the weakest immune systems among all living organisms. Drink unprocessed water like animals do, you would probably go down with cholera and die of dehydration. Eat uncooked food, you could probably grow a  tapeworm, and you die of malnutrition. Humans may be resilient but they certainly are weak.

There are many more comparisons to make. Humans can't fly nor swim, so it reduces humans to only ground transport. Humans do not emit ultrasonic like bats to navigate, nor do humans have defence mechanisms that protect ourselves from our prays. Humans come to this world equipped with nothing except a brain. Should humans do not a brain this advanced and only contain one like any animals, humans would be the fastest living organisms to be extinct due to its vulnerability. None of its physical and biological characteristics put them a predator.

And yet, humans have a brain. Our tiny brain, the mysterious brain, compensates every flaws we are born with. We cannot run and overpower animals, so we invent weapons. We cannot walk bare foot so to prevent our skin from damaged, we invent shoes, clothes and trousers to act as a layer of protection. We cannot tolerate extreme temperatures, so we invent air-conditioner, and we selfishly hunt animals for the skin that are supposed to protect their own. We cannot process raw food, so we found fire, and invent various methods to cook them. We cannot fly nor swim, so we invent aeroplanes and boats. Human brains, the tiny little watery substance that is so strong and yet so weak, are what bringing the world to what it is today.

Human brains are designed to compensate our flaws, and I believe it should only do so, and yet humans have long gone overboard. We have an insatiable appetite that never makes us satisfied with our current condition. Weapons should be used exclusively for food, but humans abuse it to kill people who are disagreeable. Clothes should be worn only to protect ourselves from external shock, but we are picky on how presentable it should be and thus we hunt for animal skins. Coolants and heaters are meant to keep us survive, yet in the process of doing so we destroy the environment that we are supposed to protect. Boats and aeroplanes are meant to transport us but in doing so we destroy our food source.

And yet because humans are so weak, humans display extreme fear to any foreign living organisms not known and that pose obvious threat. We are so afraid of bacteria, that if it exerts serious damage, we kill all of its host that could spread it to humans. If our food like tomatoes are attacked by bacteria, we are so afraid how the bacteria in it could damage us, we destroy all tomatoes and thus destroy the food source of all animals that rely on it for food and yet have the immune system that kills the bacteria.

So the fault of every damage our Earth has experienced could easily be traced. It goes back to our brain. Before humans exist, Earth was green. Earth was a beautiful place where all animals wander around. When humans come, they do only damage, and look at the state of our planet. Is there anything left that is authentic, that is not man-made and could reproduce itself naturally? No. Humans, with the tiny brain, have taken over the planet. We have conquered the planet and made crystal clear that anyone who poses threat to our kingdom is not welcomed and will be harshly treated and eradicated.

So is human indeed the greatest living organisms ever created by God, or are we just tiny coward creatures that are so greedy we refuse to allow other organisms to rule our Earth or worse, we wouldn't even tolerate their existence? Humans have lots of reflection to do, because ultimately humans will be obliterated by our own actions, but our mother Earth will keep on rotating without us.